'pushing ahead' 5.375 x 47.875", acrylic on wood, 08.02.10

'pushing ahead' 5.375 x 47.875", acrylic on wood, 08.02.10

'pushing ahead'

"Don't talk, do!" was something I said all time when I was a Banquet Captain in hotels to my staff.  This was long before I was a writer or a painter, like in the late 70's!

It was pretty much is my motto.

Head down, do the work, don't talk about yer going to do, just do it.

I continue to use it, with people or just my inner mantra.


Boss Hoss 1.jpg

'Boss Hoss'

A minimal text work that states my thinking that minimal art can be powerful stuff, and carry more weight/meaning/beauty than some over the top gestural painting/sculpture thing.

Minimalism like other painting movements isn't dead and critics who think they can dismiss some styles in order to push their product suck.

Boss Hoss is a 'Bonanza' tie in. Basically i think minimalism is still (the) boss, no matter what Hoss may think, or care about, whatever.

And yes, I know that ‘miminalism’ is spelt wrong.

'Lick This' detail

'Lick This' detail

Lick This.jpg

'Lick This'

11.5 x 60.5", acrylic on wood, 03.09.17

Barb Ford and the Condo Board series: Full of hate here. My wife, child; and myself had to fight for years with an ignorant building manager, ignorant condo board members, ignorant owners; and sometimes ignorant dumb fuck tenants in our building over noise caused by a healthy normal child in an old wooden building that was designated a 'family' building.

The stress of this affected my family; so what ever you do, don't buy a condo, buy a house.

‘ts.rluitehsv’ 4.875 x 60.375”, acrylic on wood, 10.28.15

‘ts.rluitehsv’ 4.875 x 60.375”, acrylic on wood, 10.28.15

'ts.rluitehsv' 4.875 x 60.375", acrylic on wood, 10.28.15

'ts.rluitehsv' 4.875 x 60.375", acrylic on wood, 10.28.15

I finally remembered what the title means: 'ts.rluitehsv' = 'truth vs. lies'

Dogs exist, no doubt about it, a truth.

Gods exist, lies, lies, lies.




11.5 x 60.5", acrylic on wood, 03.25.17

Now I admit I have a bias here but I still have a low opinion of those who walk around (all the time) without noticing all the other life & art around them.



11 x 14”, acrylic on wood., 02.13.11

I am a responsible adult like this.